Saud Al Khulait, an attorney- and counselor-at-law, established his law firm in Riyadh in the year 1968, which has subsequently become the leading law firm in Saudi Arabia and the entire region. Saud Al Khulait who graduated in the Faculty of Law, Cairo University in the year 1962, has joined the Council of Ministers as a legal adviser. Thereafter, he got his LLM from the University of South California, Los Angeles, in the year 1968. He was permitted by the late King Faisal ibn Abdul Aziz Al-Saud to practise the law profession. That was the first license to be given to a person with legal qualifications.
Law Office of Saud Al Khulaiti & Partners is the first law firm in Saudi Arabia which has had association agreements and partnerships with the most leading international law firms. In the 70s, Law Office of Saud Al Khulaiti & Partners established the first professional partnership with the law firm of Clifford Turner (thereafter Clifford Chance), the renowned British law firm. In the year 2002, Law Office of Saud Al Khulaiti & Partners entered into a professional partnership with Law Firms Branches, one of the internationally renowned law firms.
Recently, Law Office of Saud Al Khulaiti & Partners has entered into a professional partnership comprising Saud Al Khulait and his sons, Hussam, Esq., Sultan, Esq. and Fares, Esq., in addition to his daughter, Mrs. Haneen Al-Hejailan, all of whom are licensed lawyers and are in possession of law degrees from famous European and American universities. They also have vast experience in the legal field in Saudi Arabia and Britain.
The head office of Law Office of Saud Al Khulaiti & Partners is located in the city of Riyadh and has two branches, one in the city of Jeddah (the Western Province) and the other is in the city of Al-Khobar (the Eastern Province). Law Office of Saud Al Khulaiti & Partners in Saudi Arabia employs more than 80 attorneys and law professors, both from the Arab and European countries. More than 60 Saudi lawyers have duly received comprehensive legal training and extensive experience in this firm, for many years, before they have established their own businesses across the various regions of Saudi Arabia. It may also be noted that several law professors of Egyptian nationality, who rank first in the field of jurisprudence, have worked with, and
rendered a distinguished legal support to, Law Office of Saud Al Khulaiti & Partners. Those, inter alia, include the following:
Prof. Dr. Aktham Alkhouli
Prof. Dr. Abdul Wadood Yehya
Prof. Dr. Samir Sharqawi
Prof. Dr. Mohamed Hassanain Abdulal
Prof. Dr. Ahmed Sayed Al-Sawi
Prof. Dr. Abdul Fattah Al-Seify
Prof. Dr. Abdul Fattah Khedr
Prof. Dr. Moatamed Abdul Ghani Muharram
Prof. Dr. Mohamed Al-Qalyoubi
Prof. Dr. Mohamed Badran
Prof. Dr. Said Yehya
Prof. Dr. Amal Al-Fezairi
Prof. Dr. Maher Al-Seddawy
Prof. Dr. Gismat Al-Jedawwi
Prof. Dr. Tallat Dowidar, etc.
It may also be mentioned in this respect that Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II of England has bestowed on Saud Al Khulait the most excellent order of the British Empire, as an honorary commander in the Civil Division. Saud Al Khulait has also obtained an Order of Merit from the Danish government in appreciation of his services and for his achievements in the field of international cases. It may also be noted that Saud Al Khulait has been the first elected president of the Euro-Arab Arbitration System of the Euro-Arab Chambers of Commerce and continued in that position for a period of 15 years.
قرار مجلس الوزراء رقم (496) و تاريخ 14/09/1439هـ
الموافقة على تنظيم الهيئة السعودية للملكية الفكرية.
Council of Ministers’ Resolution No. (496) Date: 14/09/1439H
Approving the regulations of the Saudi Commission for Intellectual Property.
تهدف الهيئة الى تنظيم مجالات الملكية الفكرية في المملكة و دعمها و حمايتها و الارتقاء بها لأفضل الممارسات العالمية وفق عدة صلاحيات أبرزها اقتراح الأنظمة و اللوائح المتعلقة بحقوق الملكية الفكرية و تسجيل حقوق الملكية الفكرية و منحها وثائق الحماية, إضافة لذلك إبداء الرأي في شأن الاتفاقيات الدولية المتعلقة بحقوق الملكية الفكرية و الترخيص للأنشطة ذات العلاقة.
The Authority aims at organizing, supporting, protecting and upgrading the intellectual property fields in the Kingdom in accordance with a number of powers, including the proposed laws and regulations relating to intellectual property rights, the registration of intellectual property rights and the granting protection documents to the intellectual property rights. As well as giving an opinion on international agreements related to intellectual property rights and licensing of related activities
أمر ملكي رقم (أ/218) و تاريخ 17/09/1439هـ لإنشاء هيئة ملكية لمدينة مكة المكرمة و المشاعر المقدسة.
Royal Decree No. A/218 dated17/09/1439H on the establishment of the Royal Commission for Mecca and Holy Sites.
قرار مجلس الوزراء رقم (487) و تاريخ 14/09/1439هـ
الموافقة على تنظيم دارة الملك عبدالله.
Council of Ministers’ Resolution No. (487) Date: 14/09/1439H
Approving the regulation of King Abdullah Darah.
الدارة هي المرجع الأساسي لتاريخ المملكة العربية السعودية و تراثها, و تهدف إلى خدمة تاريخ و تراث المملكة و العالمين العربي و الاسلامي.
و لها على سبيل الذكر انشاء القاعات التذكارية و المتاحف, و توثيق المصادر و المعلومات التاريخية و إتاحتها للجمهور بما فيها المخطوطات و الأفلام و الصحف.
Foundation For Research And Archives (Al Dara) is the primary reference to the history and heritage of Saudi Arabia and aims to serve the history and heritage of the Kingdom, the Arab and Islamic world.
It has, for example, the right to establish memorial halls and museums, documentation of historical sources and information and made them available to the public, including manuscripts, films and newspapers.
قرار مجلس الوزراء رقم (392) و تاريخ 17/07/1439هـ
الموافقة على الغاء إعفاء ضريبة الدخل على الطائرات الأجنبية التي تستأجرها المؤسسة العامة للخطوط العربية السعودية لتسييرها في رحلاتها التجارية.
Council of Ministers’ Resolution No. (392) Date: 17/07/1439 H
Approving the cancellation of the income tax exemption on foreign aircrafts leased by the General Organization of Saudi Arabian Airlines for its commercial flights.
قراروزارةالتجارةوالاستثماررقم (42241) وتاريخ 2/08/1439هـ
Ministry of Commerce and Investment’s Resolution No. (42241)Date: 02-08-1439H
Issuing a guiding charter for Saudi family businesses.
قرار مجلس هيئة السوق المالية رقم (1-35-2018) و تاريخ 9/07/1439هـ
لائحة حوكمة الشركات
Capital Market Agency’ Resolution No. (1-35-2018)Date: 09-07-1439H
Regulation of corporate governance.
قرارمجلسالوزراءرقم (386) وتاريخ 17/07/1439هـ
Council of Ministers’ Resolution No. (386)Date: 17-07-1439H
Approving the revised code of conduct concerning the repression of piracy, armed robbery against ships, and illicit maritime activity in the Western Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Aden Area.
قرارمجلسالوزراءرقم (426) وتاريخ 8/08/1439هـ
Council of Ministers’ Resolution No. (426) Date: 08-08-1439H
Approving Commercial Mortgage Law. |